This is an 80% solar screen using the black 80% solar screen Fabric and white framing.
There are three 35 by 72 inch tall windows using three 35 by 72 inch tall solar screens. Solar screens cover the entire window and will use one solar screen per Window.
This picture shows 3 transom Windows. Transom windows are non opening Windows, or often referred to as fixed windows.

The 35 by 72 opening Windows have solar screens put on to them using diecast metal turn Clips to hold the solar screens on to the window. You may be able to tell by this picture as you will see 8 inches down from the top of each screen and 8 inches up from the bottom of each screen you’ll see those little turn clips. These turn Clips are made out of metal, you never want to use plastic turn clips, plastic will break over time, they all do. I only use metal frame turn clips for longevity, you want the metal turn clips to last. The screens that we installed for the transom windows are what we call direct screwed, meaning they are screwed onto the window framing that goes around the window or the channel framing that holds the glass in to place. The three transom Windows shown here are two being half arches and one being just a rectangular shape.