We can make a solar screen sliding door and sliding screen door pocket to shade most sliding doors. I say most because I have seen some crazy triple sliding doors with dual sliding doors. Those are very rare however and are only seen on very custom homes, with custom doors and windows
What our solar screen sliding door and sliding screen door pocket Framing is made out of.
Our sliding solar screen doors are made out of extremely heavy duty aluminum, the framing is made out of a very heavy duty aluminum, considerably heavier duty than what you get from the sliding door manufacturer. The size of the framing is 1/2″ x 1-5/8″ thick. I have yet to see a sliding door from a sliding door manufacturer that is more robust, stronger or heavier-duty than what we provide.
What fabric can we make our solar screen sliding door and sliding screen door pockets out of?
We can make a solar screen sliding door and sliding screen door pocket out of the same fabric that we make your solar window screens out of. We can use the 80% fabric or the 90% fabric . And we can use whatever color a fabric you would like. When we install these, we match the solar window screens that we put up for you. We match the solar window screen fabric.
How well will your solar screen sliding door and sliding screen door pocket fit?
We will make the sliding door fit so well that it will slide with ease but will not come out of its tracks on its own . Over all of these years I never get calls from people with problems with their sliding door screens, and I know it is because I install them to fit so tightly that there’s no room for them to come out of the tracks .
I take that back one time I did get a call, and I was told by the owners that one of their children had kicked the sliding door screen out , and it was obvious whenever I saw the sliding door. I saw the bottom roller bent and broken and it was obvious that it got pushed out . Point being whenever I install these things I install them extremely well and I install them to last.
How does a solar screen sliding door and sliding screen door pocket mount / install?
At HobbsScreens.com you can order for self installation a sliding door screens & sliding screen door pockets. We sell these to DIY home-owners and contractors. The following video thoroughly explains how to measure & install a sliding solar screen door & pocket.
As far as a pocket for the sliding door screen the pocket simply affixes by means of wood screws, Tech screws, masonry screws, whatever we can do to adhere it to the outside framing of the door. The top of the door and to the bottom of the door. If we only have concrete to adhere it to the bottom then we’ll use concrete anchors.
See that sliding screen door pocket their to the right. That pocket door is resting on the cement Foundation Anchored In by cement anchors. And it is attached at the top to the top outermost part of the sliding door frame. Sometimes we’ll have to attach it to the wood trim. Depends on what we have to work with. He watches above video it thoroughly explains the installation method.

What kind of framing do you use for the pocket door?
The pocket is made out of the same heavy-duty material, the same heavy duty sliding door screen framing that we use so that it is as well IS super duper, really really strong.
I have seen competitors try to use flimsy solar screen framing. They do this to cheapen out, but it’s flimsy and will not hold up over time. I only use the same kind of heavy duty aluminum 1/2″ x 1-5/8″ thick framing that I make the sliding door solar screens out of.