Hutto TX solar screens for windows.

Some windows, like with this Hutto TX solar screens project, require the solar screens to be mounted to the surface of the window. The windows do not have channels at the top and bottom of the window to allow for the solar window screens to fit / sit into.

For this Hutto TX solar screens for windows installation, we used turn clips to hold the solar screens on to the windows. To hold the solar screens up against the window. These windows do not allow for solar screens to sit into a track at the top and bottom of the window's frame to hold a full-size solar screen in place. 
For this Hutto TX solar screens for windows installation, we used turn clips to hold the solar screens on to the windows. To hold the solar screens up against the window. These windows do not allow for solar screens to sit into a track at the top and bottom of the window’s frame to hold a full-size solar screen in place.

In this Hutto, Texas home, we installed these solar screens for windows using these mounting clips.

When we use our turn Clips we make sure to color match them along with the screw to that of the solar screen frame.

Like shown in the video below, we are very careful to position our turn clips onto your window uniformly. We take our time and measure the position for each one of these turn clips, so that they are all installed even. The seams like something that might not be that big of a deal. But I have seen many installations out there that I didn’t do. And mounting clips for these installations were not installed in a uniform way. And those installations just look bad. Not only do we want our solar screen fabric looking tight and nice. But we also want our mounting hardware to look uniform and presentable.

This video explains this really well.

The video above shows two windows mounted next to each other.  Two windows would require two solar screens, one solar screen per window.  Not one large solar screen to fit over the two windows.

Here below is a clear picture of what the mounting clips look like. That’s a set of bay windows.

90% Stucco solar screens with metal mounting clips.
90% Stucco solar screens with metal mounting clips.  This picture was taken from a solar screens Austin Texas project that we did in 2008.


Illustrating solar window screens Austin TX metal mounting turn clips. This window has a solar window screen mounted to it using our metal mounting clips that turn to hold the solar window screen up against the window.
Illustrating solar window screens Austin TX metal mounting turn clips. This window has a solar window screen mounted to it using our metal mounting clips that turn to hold the solar window screen up against the window.