This is an Austin TX multi family solar screens installation that we did in mid May 2018.
Over a four-day period we installed 1280 solar screens for this multi-family apartment complex.

For these horizontal sliding windows, we used two screens per window.
These single pane windows required two screens.
A person could have cheated this installation and just direct screwed one screen. But these windows have tracks in the middle and on either side of the window to allow for two screens. Therefore we correctly used two screens per window.

1280 solar screens installed over four days.
It took four of us four days to put 1280 solar screens up on this multi-family apartment complex, which consisted of 19 apartment buildings.

We could have completed this in three days, but this is an multi-family apartment complex has gone through many renovations over the years. Part of the renovations involved putting siding on these buildings which overlapped over the windows. Because the siding overlapped over the windows we had to make countless solar screens using special specific to those window widths. We couldn’t fit the solar screens in between that siding using just one width measurement. Mini mini is required specific unique to those window with measurements. This particular installation was a handful but nevertheless we completed it in 4 days.

Installing solar window screens over the windows for multi-family apartment to make the complex look its best.
The property owners wanted us to install these Austin TX multifamily solar screens over the windows to make the property look good. The solar screens will hide broken blinds, stuff sitting in window sills, and lend a consistent look to the property.
The property owners just got through painting this property and wanted everything to flow and look smooth. Therefore we used or 80% solar screens with brown frame.

Now all the windows are uniform, they are all of the same solar screen fabric color.
When you look at the apartment buildings, you see the black Fabric and the colors for the exterior that these people chose for this building. You do not see closed blinds, half drawn open blinds, windows with sheets over the glass, or what have you.
Now, it all flows, it all aesthetically looks nice, uniform and appealing.

We are quiet, fast and efficient multi-family solar window screen installers.
Depending on the complexity of the installation, we can generally put up between 400 to 500 screens a day. It all depends on the difficulty of the multifamily apartment complex. If it’s a straight forward two story installation, whereby the windows are not crazy and out of whack. If the windows are even and uniform in size and the screens fit pretty easily, we can get 400 to 500 up in a day.
This property here had all kinds of anomalies. This property had broken glass all throughout it where maintenance people over the years with heavy-handed silicone guns clogged up the tracks.
They had vinyl siding that overlapped over the tracks and over the glass.
There were a lot of complexities with this project.
Also, if we are doing a multi-family solar window screen project with 3rd or even 4th floors then that takes considerably longer.
We are pretty skilled ladder climbers, so if it’s a two-story building we can knock it out pretty quickly. And, we’re not intrusive to the tenants. We are quiet, fast and efficient. Most tenants that are home don’t even know we are there. We slip in and slip out and take care of our business quietly and non-intrusively.