For this Austin TX solar window screens installation, I installed 31 solar window screens for this homeowner. We installed solar window screens on each and every window for this home. We used our chocolate 80% solar screen fabric and 90% solar screen fabric, with white framing to build our solar screens with.
31 Austin TX Solar Window Screens
This customer chose to put solar window screens on all of the windows of this home. The customer did want to leave any windows uncovered. The front of this home has two dormer windows that lead into the Attic, they’re over the garage. The homeowner was so thorough and consistent that they chose to put solar window screens on every window of the home to include those two dormer windows. This home would not have looked as nice if they had chosen to not put solar window screens on those two dormer windows.
Because this home has solar screens on all of its windows too include those two dormer windows this Austin TX solar window screens installation looks complete. When we leave windows uncovered, like those dormer windows (or windows around the front door) or just put solar screens on some and not others, the home does not look good like this. Leaving windows uncovered, makes the installation look unfinished. We discourage solar screen installations where not all the windows of a side of the home are covered. It’s like the customer, the homeowner chose to cheapen out with the installation. It sounds kind of harsh to say the words cheapen out, but it’s really the best way of explaining what it looks like. It just looks unfinished and incomplete.
Here’s another example, a Round Rock TX solar screens installation that has every window shaded. A home that looks complete.

How transparent the 80% solar window screens are.
The following picture is a great photo showing our 80% solar window screens. Each of these windows is covered with our 80% solar window screen fabric. Look at how well you can see through the 80% solar screen fabric. It’s not a dense dark look. You can still see the grid work in the windows. I could have made grid patten solar screens for these. You can’t see more than a foot or two past the windows, however. From the inside, you can see out crystal clear. I know it’s hard to imagine, but it is the case that you can see outside very well from the inside. Reason being when it’s dark on the inside and lit outside, your eyes can see through the fabric. Now the same applies in the evening, you have to be careful in the evening to close your blinds at night if you don’t want peering eyes to be able to see in.

80% solar window screens Austin Texas installed on the right side of this home.
These are two solar window screens on the right side of this house. For these Austin TX solar window screens, we used our 80% solar window screen fabric.

This is my helper Beau, up on the ladder installing these second-floor solar window screens. These are 90% solar window screens that we are installing on the left side of the house. Each of these screens was installed using metal turn clips. Metal turn clips when in the closed position will hold the solar window screen up against your window. The turn Clips make for a simple and easy removal and re-installation of the screens. The metal turn clips are explained very well in our Hutto TX solar screens article.

90% Austin solar window screens for the back side of the home.
Here’s a photo showing the screens on the back of the home. We installed a total of 14 90% solar window screens on the back of the home. The back of this home is west-facing, therefore we used our darker and denser 90% solar window screen fabric. We use our 90% solar window screen fabric for windows that are west-facing that get pounded by the afternoon sun.

All of these windows received our Austin solar screen. The customer even chose to put a solar screen on the back patio door. Look how nice all of these Austin TX solar window screens look. The framing is straight, not curved or bent. The fabric is not wavy. The corners are all well mitered. The clips that we used to put the screens on to the windows are all positioned at the same spot for each and every window. This is just a beautiful installation. Like all of our installations, we take pride and spend a lot of time on these installations making sure that we are as meticulous as we can be.

Solar window screens Austin TX installed using metal turn clips.
You can see here these three windows, these are (3) 34 by 72-inch windows. Each of these screens is attached to the windows with turn clips. The current Clips make for an easy removal and re-installation.

For this solar screen Austin installation, notice how all of these turn clips are lined up. Notice how straight the framing is. All of these solar screens are made on a table that has blocks where the framing is held in place when the fabric is rolled into the framing. This ensures that the framing does not bow or bend.

How Austin TX solar window screens are attached when tracks are not available.
These close up pictures are just great to look at, because they show you how tightly rolled the fabric is into the framing, and how well seated the solar window screens are against the windows. This is not your standard solar window screen installation. It’s not what I see all across the city of Austin TX. I see Austin TX solar window screens installed on people’s homes where they are installed hastily, they are made where they are not Square, they are made were they are wavy, where they use small three-quarter inch flimsy framing. It’s not hard to find poorly installed solar window screens out there. We take our time making the screens and installing the screens correctly. And it shows.