This is a small solar screen installation. The customer only chose to do five windows. They chose to use the 90 percent solar screen fabric. It is the black solar screen fabric. The framing color is white, which matches their window frames.
We get asked to just put solar window screens on the second floor.
We often get asked from people to just put solar window screens on second‑floor windows.
We strongly advise against it because it just looks bad.
You can see by looking at these pictures here that aesthetically the home does not look all that appealing.
However, this home, I believe I remember it being a rental home, and the second floor was not getting adequately cooled. I suspect they probably only had one air conditioning system for the entire house, which is typical for these types of homes. The second floor did not get cooled off enough, so they felt that the solar screens would benefit them more. Here’s another example of a home that put solar screens on some windows and not others.
And here’s a post that talks about putting solar sun shade screens under the back patio or not. That post shows what it looks like to put solar screens on all the windows on the back of the home except the back patio.
And take a look at this picture that shows another installation where the homeowner chose to just put 90% solar screens on their 2nd floor windows. For this home, they just put the solar screens on the 2nd floor of the back of the home. They didn’t put them anywhere else, so aesthetically it doesn’t look horrible. Had they put solar screens on the 2nd floor for the front of this home it would have looked horrible.
And here’s an installation where we put solar screens just on the sun-exposed windows where the home-owner did not have interior blinds.

We do not recommend solar screens Austin Texas installations like this. The reason being is that we feel it just does not look good. You may be okay with it, but what happens when you go to sell your home, the chances are slim that your buyer will be interested in this kind of look. Sure, you can take them down, or even get new ones for all the windows you left uncovered, but that begs the question why not just put the solar screens on all the windows now and enjoy the benefit you will get today.