For this Leander TX solar screens installation, the homeowner wanted 90% solar window screens on each and every window. In summary, I used my densest darkest 90 percent solar screen fabric for every window on this home.
The solar window screen fabric color and frame color combination I was instructed to use is the black sun control fabric with white frame.
The framing for this home’s windows is white; therefore, I used my white-colored solar screen framing.
Because the roofline around this home is champagne in color, I very well could have gotten away with using my champagne-colored screen framing to match it.
But the homeowner vetoed my recommendation and wanted to use the white frame.
21 window Leander TX solar screens. All 90% installation. Installed cost $1145.
The only piece of glass we left uncovered for this home was the patio door. The patio door does not get any type of sun, therefore the door did not warrant getting a solar window screen. The patio door for this home under those circumstances did not need any shade from a solar screen.
Generally speaking, we do not all that often put 90% solar screens on all the windows of a home.
This is a previous customer of ours, that has had our solar screens before, and they knew what it was like to have 90% on the windows and they wanted 90% for all windows.
So in conclusion, since they were well aware of the affect of 90% solar screens for all the windows, I obliged their wishes.
The front side.
Window sizes and location on home.
Front 90%: (1)46×70, (1)22×58, (2)46×28
All of these windows are vinyl windows, similarly to all new homes within our area.
So for this Leander TX solar window screens installation, I direct screwed all of the solar screens to the windows.
In order to keep the screen on the window, they have to be attached well.
With this in mind, the way to achieve that is to use small self-tapping screws to adhere them to the windows.
For fear that the solar screen can come off the window during a storm, they really need to be attached well.

Typically for vinyl windows, the insect bug window screens will need to come out from the inside.
In brief, this particular kind of vinyl window uniquely allowed me to remove the bug screens from the outside.
Given that I was able to remove the bug screens, I did so and left them there at the front door. As can be seen here to the left, there is where I piled up the original window screens for him.
Showing the left side of this Leander TX exterior solar screen installation.
Window sizes and location on home.
Left 90%: (2)34×58, (4)46×58, (1)70×46
For most all new home builds in Leander Texas, the homebuilders are using vinyl windows.
Solar screens for vinyl windows will always direct screw using minimally invasive small three-quarter inch screws.
Ultimately, I attach each solar screen with four small screws to the outermost area of the window frame to by and large make sure the screen stays installed.
It is important to realize that when solar window screens are installed onto vinyl windows that the weep holes at the bottom of the windows do not get covered.
We never do of course.

Look at this picture, see how well, how tightly stretched, how nicely installed these Leander Texas solar sun shade screens fit onto these vinyl windows?
The back side.
Window sizes and location on home.
Back 90%: (1)46×46, (2)46×58
For this homeowner’s solar screens Leander TX installation, they chose to put solar window screens on the windows under the patio.
This homeowner wanted every window covered for their solar window screens Leander TX installation.
The homeowner did not want to leave one window uncovered. And, they wanted the 90% solar window screen fabric for all of their windows.

Showing the right side of this solar screens Leander Texas installation.
Window sizes and location on home.
Right 90%: (1)34×46, (6)23×46
As can be seen by this picture, the right side of this Leander home is now pleasantly shaded with my solar screens.
The window there to the left is an opening window wearing a solar screen over it.
The three windows in the middle of this side of the home do not open. These are non-opening windows shaded with my 90% screens.
In brief, if it is a window, I can cover it with a solar screen.
Then there are three more windows there towards the end, that you do not see, that are non-opening windows as well.

In summary, we did this solar window screens Leander Texas installation in December of 2017.
For this reason, this proud homeowner will now be ready for the first day of the 2018 hot summer.
In essence there will now be one more MUCH cooler home in this subdivision because of my solar screens.