Illustrated here with this Liberty Hill TX solar screens installation, we installed 38 solar window screens. For this home, we fit every window with a solar window screen. We used our chocolate brown solar screen fabric with tan framing.
I upgraded 20 windows from my 80% solar screen fabric to my 90% solar window screen fabric.
The left and back sides of the home are the sides that in this case face West. For this reason, receiving the 90% solar screen fabric was the left and back sides. These are the sides of the home that are West sun-facing, therefore are the hottest sides of the home.
We used the 80% solar window screen fabric for the front and right sides of the home.
38 windows, Liberty Hill TX solar screens installation, installed cost $2064.
Liberty Hill is not within my immediate Austin TX installation area. If a job in Liberty Hill exceeds 3000 in (this job came in at 3490 in) we will apply the same pricing we use for our in-town Austin Texas jobs.
If the job that you are looking at is less than 3000 inches which is typically less than 30 windows, my pricing will then adjust up by $150 to cover the additional travel time.
That additional charge is to cover the additional travel cost to make two trips to Liberty Hill, one to measure and one to install. That’s an additional $150 in addition to our already very low Austin Texas installed solar screen pricing.
The front side.
Sizes of the windows, fabric density and where they are located on the home.
Front 80%: (1)arch 52×22, (2)22×70, (1)arch 64×16, (2)10×70, (2)28×70, (1)arch 64×28, (3)22×34, (1)46×70
The front of this home is east facing. The front of this home gets the morning sun. So for this Liberty Hill solar window screens installation, we used our 80% shade screen fabric for this side of the home.

Look at how well that chocolate brown fabric and tan framed solar window screen go up against that sandstone exterior wall.
How insect screens install.

The right side.
Sizes of the windows, fabric density and where they are located on the home.
Right 80%: (4)34×70, (1)46×22
The right side of this home receives very little if any sun. But the homeowner wanted to be consistent, he wanted his Liberty Hill Texas solar screens installation to be one where he covered every window. He especially did not want to leave any of his windows uncovered like other installations that he saw on our website.
For reference: These are posts where the homeowners chose to put exterior sun screens on some windows, but not all.
- All windows but three solar screen installation
- We discourage solar screen installations like this
- Solar screen installation example of what not to do
- Only installing solar screens on 5 2nd floor windows, none on the first floor
- Solar screens installed on all but 7 windows on the left side

Will one solar window screen fabric color last longer than any of the others?

These are vinyl windows, meaning the framing for the windows is vinyl. These windows are not metal. Today’s new windows in our area are for the most part 99% vinyl. We particularly and thoroughly explain here in this post how we install our solar screens on to different kinds of vinyl windows.
The left side.
Sizes of the windows, fabric density and where they are located on the home.
Left 90%: (1)22×46, (1)70×10
I used the 90% solar window screens for this West facing side. The back and the left sides are in the same way West facing. The back and left sides both received the 90% shading fabric.
Liberty Hill is next door to Leander. Check out this Leander TX Solar Screens installation I did for all windows.
For this solar protection screens, Liberty Hill TX installation the left and back sides of the home both identically receive the harsh afternoon sun.

The front side of this solar screens Liberty Hill Texas installation.
Sizes of the windows, fabric density and where they are located on the home.
Back 90%: (1)46×46, (1)22×22, (2)34×70, (6)46×70, (2)doors 21×65, (4)28×70, (2)22×70
You can tell by looking at this picture where the position of the sun is. Correspondingly, look at the shadows as they will tell you where the sun is pointing. Blasting the back of these windows.
Not anymore !!!
The below picture shows what it is like out there in the afternoon around 4pm. No shade trees, it is brutal. Full on sun.

As an illustration by this picture, the backside of this home is the hot side, this is the West side. It is important to realize that there are no shade trees anywhere to provide shade for this side of the home. This installation is going to prove to be especially valuable for this homeowner. I say that because all of these West-facing windows now have shading. Equally, all of these back windows now have my 90% shade screens on them. The energy efficiency improvement is going to be surprisingly significant.
Retail, Commercial Interior Window Blinds and Shades. I also manufacture and install my own line of commercial window shades.
The back of this home has 18 windows to include doors that now also have the shade screens. That’s a total of 18 Windows for this West facing side that has the shade screens. That is a lot of welcomed shade!